- What is a robot ?
- Introduction to programming
- Scratch - Intro
- Scratch -the 2D Number line (Cartesian coordinates)
- Scratch - loops
- Scratch - Events
- Scratch - Designing a Game - Story boarding to coding
- Introduction to controlling the world - The Arduino
- Intro to C & The Arduino
- Affect the world - blinking lights
- Sense the world - sensing an input
- Arduino - Designing code to turn on/off different lights
- Copying the world -3D design
- 3D printing - starting with 2D
- 2D slicing - create 3D art from 2D slices
For these who want to be pushed:
- How motors work - measuring speed and turning power (torque)
- Gears and how they work
- A basic robot - where motors and gears come in
- Talking to the Robot with an Arduino
- Talking to the Arduino with a Computer
- Putting it all together
This syllabus looks thoughtful, pragmatic and sensational. Thank you! The 9 year old is looking forward to it :)