Thursday, 22 May 2014

Monday 19th May (3rd Meeting)

This Monday we discussed how we can use the backdrop "XY GRID" in scratch (see image) to help understand how to move a character around
the screen using either the "goto" or "glide" blocks.  We discussed that moving requires use to use a number-line. The center of the screen is zero and moving to the right of the center uses positive numbers - we call this axis the X-axis.  To move to the left, we extend the concept of the number line to negative (minus) numbers, so that any negative numbers move the chaarcter to the left of the center.  We can further extend this concept in the up and down direction by rotating the number line in the up-down directions - postive number move us up, while negatve numbers move us down.  We call this the Y-axis.  This concept of a X annd Y axis (cartesian corodinates) is very powerful and is used not only for computer programing but for mathematics, engineering and geograpical sciences (for spaital analysis) .

Keep thinking about what kind of game or story you might create and try some programming to move your character around is a specific way.  Next week will will discuss how rotation works..

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