Sunday, 1 June 2014

Monday 26th (4th Meeting)

This week we discussed how to turn the sprite around in Scratch.  To achieve this we need an understanding of the concepts of how a circle can be broken into 360-degrees - think of how a clock is divided into twelve and that after we rotate once, we are back at 12 again.  If we breake the cricle into 360 small sections we call each of these sections degrees (see the image).

If we want to go right we need to point in the direction of +90.  If we want to go up we need to point in the direction 0 (or 360).  More importantly, if we want to point in a direction say between up-and-right (on a compass called NE) we would point in the direction of 45 degrees.  We can use any angles of degrees to point in any  direction we choose. 

This week we also said that we would see some students Scratch programs at the next meeting (on the 9th June).  So if you have not got an account yet, best talk to your parents about setting one up so you can practice and save your projects.

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