This week's task which I pasted into the Student Journal is to create the game of PONG. The assignement is:
Cretae a ball (centered) and 2 blocks on the left and right to use as bats (example shown)
- Start the ball moving left to right when the space bar is pressed. If the ball does not hit your block, then the ball is lost off screen. Move left block up/down using [Q,Z] keys,move right bat up/down using [up arrow, down arrow].
things to do:
- Add a score – you get a point in the other player misses
- stop the blocks (bats) moving off then screen when moving up and down.
- Add a random angle to the ball after it hits the bat to add difficulty to the game
- When the ball strikes the bat, make sound “pop” and return the ball (like tennis).
- Change service (ball goes in the other direction when space bar is hit) if you loose (miss the ball)
In what grade did you start learning programming?