Tuesday, 25 August 2015


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  1. Before computer club Jack was interested in programming but had nowhere to start as Mick and I are computer illiterate. Computer club has given him a launch pad to pursue his interest and his dedication and enthusiasm to learn programming are astonishing. I am amazed by what he produces. Thanks you for providing this fantastic opportunity.

  2. Adrian, we are really grateful for your creativity and generosity in getting this club happening. Our 10yo has learnt a huge amount and has amazed us with what he can achieve in Scratch. When I was 10, I learnt to program in BASIC on a Microbee 8k. It is a delight to hear my son talk me through the logic and processes of making things happen in Scratch, and talk about what he's seen the other kids do. Learning the beginnings of programing has been a productive, stimulating challenge for him. It's such good training for thinking. Cheers, Sally and Nick S.

  3. Thanks Adrian and Karen for setting up the computer club!
